Other Sheep by Kathleen Peterson.
Worship will be led by Rev. Bethany Peerbolte. (See bio below!)
Join us for worship on Zoom at 10:00 am by clicking here.
Meeting ID: 868 1856 7308
Passcode: 752729
Dial by location: +1 312 626 6799 US
Click here for this Sunday’s bulletin.
Bethany received her MDiv from Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit where she developed a love for conversations with diverse people of faith. She was ordained in 2017 and focused her service on youth and mission at First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham Michigan. While ministering to the youth using digital platforms during the pandemic, Rev.Bethany's content gained a following of over 290,000 people worldwide. The stories that flooded her inbox ignited a call to help people, no matter what zip code they physically live in, declutter their faith from toxic theology, and reintroduce them to God’s staggering love. Rev. Bethany has come to the Denver Presbytery to begin a New Worshiping Community called OurTapestry and continue the work she has been doing online.