Calvary Presbyterian Church

March 13th, 2022

Emily LewisComment

United Methodist Church, Chicago Temple – Altarpiece in the Sky Chapel

Join us for worship on Zoom at 10:00am by clicking here.

Meeting ID: 886 5423 3917

Passcode: 744426

Dial by location: +1 312 626 6799 US

Click here for this Sunday’s bulletin.

Click here to read Rev. Ann’s sermon.

February 20th, 2022

Emily LewisComment

The poem “World Lines: A Quantum Supercomputer Poem” by Amy Catanzano can be read multiple ways. Whenever two lines meet at a “knot word” (shown in white), the reader can choose the upper or lower line to continue.

Join us for worship on Zoom at 9:30am by clicking here.

Meeting ID: 861 2129 9358

Passcode: 611033

Dial by location: +1 312 626 6799 US

Click here for this Sunday’s bulletin.

Theology Goes to the Movies!

Emily LewisComment

Theology Goes to the Movies in the month of February.

On February 6 (also the day of our Annual Meeting!) I will begin a sermon series entitled: Theology Goes to the Movies. Theology is not just one thing. There are theologies or schools of thought about how God works in the world, how divinity and humanity interact, with what perspective (hermeneutic) we read scripture, and how we discern our part in God’s purpose.
You are invited to watch the movie of the week via Zoom on Monday (see schedule below), then share your thoughts about it with others on an email string which I will start. The following Sunday, I will preach about the week’s theology and we’ll talk after the sermon. Does that sound like a plan?

See you at the movies!
Rev. Ann

 The Movie Zoom Showing Show Times Zoom Link

Romero Monday, 1/31 12pm & 6:30pm Movie: Romero

Avatar Monday, 2/7 12pm & 6:30pm Movie: Avatar

Men in Black III Monday, 2/14 12pm & 6:30pm Movie: Men in Black III

Hidden Figures Monday, 2/21 12pm & 6:30pm Movie: Hidden Figures

The Movie cont…. School of Theology Worship & Sermon

Romero Latin American Liberation Theology Sunday, 2/6

Avatar Environmental Theology Sunday, 2/13

Men in Black III Process Theology Sunday, 2/20

Hidden Figures Womanist Theology Sunday, 2/27

January 9th, 2022

Emily LewisComment

1/9 Epiphany
10:00 am Service

We will join First Plymouth UCC for a celebration of Epiphany. If you feel comfortable doing so, come in person to the Plymouth sanctuary*. If not, the service will be live-streamed (NOT Zoom interactive) at 10:00 am at this link!

*Please note that you are now required to wear either an N95, KN95, or KF94 mask when entering First Plymouth! You can wear a cloth mask only if in addition to a surgical mask underneath. They will provide those if needed.

December 26th, 2021

Emily LewisComment

On Sunday, 12/26, we will be joining First Plymouth in a pre-recorded service of Lessons and Carols.

Go here to watch at 9:30am!

You can find the order of worship here.


We offer our gifts during this Advent Season to the Christmas Joy Offering because God shows us the power and importance of being together, of “being with.” We might not be able to meet face to face with those who need the support that our gifts provide, but we are very much still together. We see the potential of students of color who will become our leaders and we seek to come alongside them, to encourage them, to be together with them. And we see church workers who have critical financial needs and we come alongside them, to assist them — we are with them. And we see the witness of the whole Church, either gathered in buildings or connected home to home, member to member, sharing what we have, together. We thank God for being “with us” through the gift of Jesus, for opening doors that may not have been accessible to us, and for joining us together as the Church and, through our gifts, with those who have need.

November 21st, 2021

Emily LewisComment

This mural is inspired by the short story “Leaf by Niggle,” and painted by local artist Leticia Tanguma, a graduate of CrossPurpose. “This piece represents the essence of our organization; we work with them to foster their growth…from seedlings to trees.”

Join us for worship on Zoom at 9:30am by clicking here.

Meeting ID: 861 6358 6593

Passcode: 379000

Dial by location: +1 312 626 6799 US

Click here for this Sunday’s bulletin.

We will be joined today by two guests: Kevin Salazar, Elder at Providence Bible Church, will be leading us in worship, and Nancy Gregory on piano will be leading us in all things musical!