Leadership Retreat - Highlands Camp
Pastor, Presbytery Leader, Seminary Teacher and Dean, Dr. Steven Yamaguchi brings his insightful, sensitive and encouraging style as he leads our November Leadership Retreat at Highlands. You will want to plan now for this time of “Courageous Listening – Searching, Fearless, Abundant.” Here is what Dr. Yamaguchi says about this theme:
“In our churches and lives, we all are wanting to deepen our experience of God, grow our missional effectiveness, and strengthen our bonds with one another. All three, however, depend on one thing: listening. But it takes courage to listen. The constitution of the Presbyterian Church affirms this: “In a broken and fearful world, the Spirit gives us courage … to hear the voices of people long silenced.” C-10.65, 66, 70. In this event, we together will explore and practice courageous listening to God and to one another.”
We hope you come to this time when Steve will share his personal and diverse ministry experience stories of laughable failures and joyful successes at careful, respectful listening.
Come and listen. Come and be heard. Come to discover new ways to lead your church.
Please talk with Diane Ritzdorf, if you are interested in either of these Leadership events.