The FOOD Drive starts now!
Brought to you by the people of the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, and the list keeps growing…
Hey, Denver- let’s beat Charlotte on and off the field!
United in Orange—Denver vs. Charlotte
Our colleagues in Charlotte (which has more Presbyterians per capita than any other denomination) have challenged Denver to a little more, a Superbowl competition – a food drive! It’s all happening at (and on social media).
It started with First Presbyterian Charlotte e-mailing Wellshire, but it’s gotten A LOT bigger! We’re joining with other denominations – Denver vs. Charlotte – to see who can raise the most food items (and monetary donations) leading up to the big game.
Calvary will be collecting canned food items until Superbowl Sunday, February 7, at our location.
We are inviting all of #BroncosCountry to help us beat Charlotte on and off the field. Ruth Huff has graciously volunteered to haul the food over to Wellshire following the collection on Sunday.
Donated items will go to food pantries in each local neighborhood.
For more information visit the